A 12-month speaking business catalyst where strategy meets implementation

We infuse women with clarity and confidence, enhance their speaking skills to highlight their unique genius, and solidify their power, presence and thought leadership.



But just being visible isn't enough ...

You must be visible in all the right ways and the right places.

That's where Thought Leaders Circle comes in.

We leverage our proprietary frameworks and proven strategies - to position you as the go-to authority in your field, creating your pathway to monetizing your expertise through lucrative speaking, training, consulting and coaching contracts.

Get Ready for the Journey

Clarity: It's time to cut through the noise and get crystal clear on what you bring to the table. Let's uncover your "why", your purpose, and the impact you're meant to have on the world. Together, we'll sharpen your focus and ignite your passion.

Confidence: Confidence isn't about being the loudest voice in the room; it's about owning your story and standing tall in your truth. With Thought Leaders Circle, we'll help you tap into that inner power, so you can speak up, speak out, and leave a lasting impression.

Impact: Ready to make waves? Let's harness your expertise and channel it into meaningful change. Whether you're challenging norms, sparking conversations, or inspiring action, your voice has the power to shape the future. Let's make it count.

Community: They say it takes a village, but we like to think of it as a sisterhood. Welcome to a community of women who lift each other up, celebrate each other's wins, and champion each other's success. Here, you're not just part of the supply – you're part of something bigger.

It's time to monetize what you know not just what you do!






Impact, Influence, Income - It's All Within Reach

"It's one thing to know your value and another to get the world to recognize and reward it!"

Why Us?

Our mission: to amplify elevate, and affirm the voices of women thought leaders to ensure that their value is not erased.

The Thought Leaders Circle was developed by Kelly Charles-Collins, retired trial law attorney, keynote speaker, award-winning TEDx speaker and 5-time author.

Our team is on a mission to position women thought leaders to build an expertise-based business that secures paid speaking engagements and high-value contracts.

We believe equity isn't a luxury; it’s a norm we're setting.

Thought Leaders Circle is for women speakers, professionals, coaches, consultants and entrepreneurs who ...

  • Envision becoming recognized thought leaders in their fields, regularly invited to speak at prestigious events and platforms.

  • Aspire to leave a meaningful impact through their work, influencing changes in industry standards, practices, or even broader societal norms.

  • Desire to build influential networks with other leaders and changemakers, which can lead to collaborations and opportunities.

  • Aim for financial freedom, success and stability derived from their expertise, allowing them to build a life, living, and legacy.

  • Seek to align their professional image and activities with their personal values and authentic self, gaining fulfillment and respect.

  • Dream of managing a successful career while maintaining a balanced and enriching personal life, enjoying time with family and pursuing personal passions.

Within every woman lies a wealth of knowledge, experience, and potential waiting to be unleashed. It's not just about what you know, but how you share it with the world.

You understand the power of your expertise and the potential impact it holds. Yet, you also recognize that having expertise and experience alone won't bring you the recognition and income you desire.


If you were shaking your head "YES" or silently saying "AMEN" as you read each line, there's a spot waiting for you inside our elite Circle.

Are you ready to be infused with clarity and confidence, enhance your speaking skills to highlight your unique genius, and solidify your power, presence, and thought leadership?

Thought Leaders Circle isn't just a program; it's your pathway to profits.

It's about guiding you to step boldly into your greatness, unapologetically owning your voice, and carving out your space as a highly paid, sought-after thought leader.

We believe that clarity, confidence, and courage are the keys to unlocking your true potential.

But more than that, it's about creating a community of like-minded women who champion each other's expertise, share valuable insights, and grow together.

Your Pathway to Profits Requires ...

Powerful Positioning

  • Stand out as a thought leader, capture your audience's attention, and claim your rightful place as the go-to expert in your field.

Proven Systems & Frameworks

  • Gain access to our proven proprietary strategies and frameworks that position you as the go-to authority in your field.

Supportive Team & Community

  • Surround yourself with a powerhouse team & like-minded women who champion your expertise and provide valuable support.

Effective Marketing

  • Acquire the tools and strategies to attract new leads consistently, ensuring a steady flow of opportunities using our Authority Elevation Marketing System.

Customized Strategic Plan

  • Crafted for your unique goals, ensuring a clear roadmap to your desired transformation.

Clear and Scalable Business Model

  • Develop a business model that maximizes your speaking income and provides scalability.

If you're ready to invest in strategies, resources, tools, and support to become a true thought leader in your industry who commands premium pricing ... The Thought Leaders Circle was designed for you!

We are where strategy meets implementation. We focus on both the being and doing. We leverage proprietary frameworks and proven strategies to guide our clients to become thought leaders and build thriving expertise-based businesses.

Meeting planners and corporations are looking for experts.

People crave your expertise, your unique perspective, your voice but ...

You've hit a roadblock in navigating the overwhelming maze of speaking opportunities and business growth without a clear roadmap.

You're struggling to craft a compelling signature talk that truly captivates and converts.

You're fighting for visibility in a crowded marketplace, struggling to stand out as a thought leader.

You're undervaluing your expertise and settling for lower speaker fees than you deserve.

You're endlessly searching for clients and speaking opportunities, with no consistent leads in sight.

You're failing to effectively monetize your valuable message and expertise.

You're lacking a clear and scalable business model that maximizes your speaking income.

You're struggling to create persuasive proposals and contracts that close deals.

You're feeling unsure about your presentation skills and your ability to connect with your audience effectively.



  • Master the art of positioning yourself as an authority in your field.

  • Learn effective strategies for identifying and attracting both clients and the right speaking opportunities.

  • Craft persuasive pitches that highlight your value and expertise.

  • Set pricing strategies that ensure you are paid your value.

  • Create compelling packages for your speaking services that resonate with your clients.

  • Craft your signature talk and refine your presentation skills to deliver impactful talks that intrigue, shift, and transform your audience.



We meet you where you are and reverse engineer to get you to where you want to go.

Customized strategy not cookie cutter templates.


Master the art of positioning yourself as an authority in your field, ensuring you're top-of-mind for speaking opportunities.


Learn effective strategies for identifying and attracting both clients and the right speaking opportunities.


Craft persuasive pitches that highlight your value and expertise, making you the top choice for speaking engagements.


Set pricing strategies that ensure you are paid your value, all while building a thriving expertise-based speaking business.


Create compelling packages for your speaking services that resonate with your target audience and clients.


Refine your presentation skills to deliver impactful talks that intrigue, shift, and transform your audience.

  • Receive hands-on expert guidance to develop your signature talk/presentation:

    Work closely with experts to refine your message, enhance your delivery, and captivate your audience with a compelling signature talk that showcases your expertise and resonates with your audience.

  • VIP Access to Kelly for a FULL YEAR of ongoing, real-time personalized mentoring and strategic consulting:

    Gain exclusive access to personalized mentoring and strategic consulting from Kelly, providing you with invaluable insights, guidance, and support tailored to your unique goals and challenges, empowering you to accelerate your growth and achieve your vision.

  • Opportunity to be Interviewed on Thought Leaders Circle Show and share your expertise across multiple social media platforms:

    Showcase your expertise and insights to a broader audience by being featured on the Thought Leaders Circle Show. Expand your reach and impact as your interview is shared across multiple social media platforms, establishing you as a go-to authority in your field and attracting new opportunities.

  • Access to Industry Experts for Targeted Skill Building:

    Access a network of industry experts who provide targeted skill-building sessions designed to enhance your speaking capabilities, refine your business acumen, and equip you with the tools and strategies needed to thrive in the competitive speaking, training, coaching, and consulting industries.

  • Immersive Training and relationship building at our 2-day in-person mastermind experience in Orlando, FL:

    Immerse yourself in a game-changing mastermind experience in Orlando, FL, where you'll engage in immersive training sessions, forge valuable relationships with like-minded professionals, and gain actionable insights to propel your speaking business to new heights.

  • Unlimited Access to professional development training in Speaker Moguls®️ University:

    Gain unlimited access to Speaker Moguls®️ University, a comprehensive platform offering professional development training, resources, and tools to enhance your speaking skills, business acumen, and overall success in the speaking industry.

  • Exclusive Access to the Thought Leaders Circle WhatsApp Community:

    Join an exclusive WhatsApp community of fellow thought leaders, where you can connect, collaborate, and receive ongoing support from a supportive network of peers and mentors, fostering growth, accountability, and camaraderie on your speaking journey.

Your desired destination is our guide!

We start from where you are and provide you with the essential strategic guidance to break through the barriers that have been holding back your success in the world of expertise-based speaking. This transformation is your ticket to achieving the rapid growth you've been longing for.

Visualize This ...

You're no longer navigating these uncharted waters on your own.

You now have the tools to invest in your speaking business and reach new heights, all while working smarter not harder.

Your message establishes you as the leading expert in your field, sparking engaging conversations with your ideal audience.

Opportunities for visibility and speaking engagements are everywhere, and organizations are eager to have you as their preferred speaker.

Your clients aren't just satisfied; they're also becoming your biggest referral sources.

You've discovered numerous ways to boost your income, all without the time-consuming task of constantly searching for new opportunities.

You're living the life you deserve and creating the legacy you desire.

With Thought Leaders Circle's 12-month program, this vision becomes your reality – and it's much more achievable than you might imagine.









Woman Thought Leader, it's time to put some respect on your name and start making bank for your brilliance.

But let's be real. This journey won't be a walk in the park.

Will you have to commit to the process and take consistent, intentional, strategic action? Yes!

Will you have to have thick skin and patience to play the long game? 100%

Will you have to get vulnerable and go deep into your why to uncover who you really are and the impact you want to create in the world? Yep!

Will you have to show up consistently even when you don't feel like it, shift when needed, and get back up when life be lifin"? Absolutely!

If you "ain't neva scared" and you're ready to go all in to position yourself as the go-to authority in your niche, then Thought Leaders Circle is for you.


1 Payment of $20,000

(Save $4,000)

  • $4,000 Savings

  • Receive hands-on expert guidance to develop your signature talk/presentation

  • VIP Access to Kelly for a FULL YEAR of ongoing, real-time personalized mentoring and strategic consulting

  • Opportunity to be Interviewed on Thought Leaders Circle Show and share your expertise across multiple social media platforms

  • Access to Industry Experts for Targeted Skill Building

  • Immersive Training and relationship building at our 2-day in-person mastermind experience in Orlando, FL

  • Unlimited Access to professional development training in Speaker Moguls®️ University

  • Exclusive Access to the Thought Leaders Circle WhatsApp Community


12 Payments of $2,000

  • Receive hands-on expert guidance to develop your signature talk/presentation

  • VIP Access to Kelly for a FULL YEAR of ongoing, real-time personalized mentoring and strategic consulting

  • Opportunity to be Interviewed on Thought Leaders Circle Show and share your expertise across multiple social media platforms

  • Access to Industry Experts for Targeted Skill Building

  • Immersive Training and relationship building at our 2-day in-person mastermind experience in Orlando, FL

  • Unlimited Access to professional development training in Speaker Moguls®️ University

  • Exclusive Access to the Thought Leaders Circle WhatsApp Community


Kelly Charles-Collins, Esq.

"The Speaker Mogul"

Kelly Charles-Collins is a dynamic force in mentoring women to own their space as influential thought leaders. As Founder & CEO of HR Legally Speaking and Speaker Moguls®, her passion lies in uncovering each woman's unique 'UNfactor' and transforming it into a powerful platform for success. Kelly's approach is uniquely insightful, guiding women and corporate leaders to leverage public speaking for substantial growth and impact.

With her experience as an employment law trial attorney, keynote and an award-winning TEDx speaker, Kelly’s mission is to ensure women's value is not erased but magnified. She specializes in mentoring women to harness public speaking as a dynamic tool for personal branding, leadership elevation, and as a growth strategy in their careers and entrepreneurial ventures.

Kelly has been recognized as a top public speaking voice on LinkedIn and a 2-time winner of the Most Inclusive HR Influencer Award and her insights and expertise have been featured in major media outlets like ABC, NBC, CBS, Forbes, and Fast Company. She’s also author of several books, including "Unapologetic AF: 34 Ways to Unleash Your Inner Badass" and "Convo Catalyst: The Humanistic Guide to Ignite Dialogue, Shift Perspectives & Cultivate Change.”


I'm just getting started. Is this for me?

This program is designed for speakers, experts, professionals, coaches, consultants, and entrepreneurs who have an identifiable expertise and want to empower women and workplaces. It's for those who want to generate income and leads through speaking and want to charge at least $7,500 per engagement.

Feel free to submit and application and our team will review it to see if Thought Leaders Circle is the right fit for you. If not, we will provide you relevant resources to reach your goal.

Will it take the full 12-months to see results?

Results and result times will vary depending on your commitment and consistency. Though the program is 12-months, it is designed to get you quick wins. 

We understand that committing to a year-long program can feel like a big step. However, our 12-month duration is designed to ensure you have ample time to implement strategies, see results, and truly transform your speaking business.

Think of it as an investment in your long-term success. Plus, our flexible approach allows you to tailor your focus based on your immediate needs, so you'll be achieving milestones and growth throughout the program.

Do I get 1:1 support?

During our bi-weekly sessions, each person has the opportunity to receive individualized strategic advice and guidance and support. Our program is known for its personalized approach. We focus on meeting you where you are in your speaking journey and crafting a customized plan tailored to your unique goals.

You won't be just another face in the crowd – you'll receive the individualized attention and support you need to thrive. Your success is our priority.

What makes TLC different from other speaker coaching programs?

💎 Our first differentiator is that we are not a coaching program. We are a mentoring program and strategic consultancy. What does that mean for you?

💎 We don't just offer generic advice. Our signature frameworks are tailored to help you unlock your full potential as a thought leader.

💎 At Thought Leaders Circle, we believe in the power of personalized guidance. We tailor our approach to your unique qualities, experiences, and goals, ensuring that your journey with us is not just transformative, but deeply personal.

💎 Our clients experience a profound shift in their self-perception and approach. By uncovering and leveraging their unique strengths, they step into their full potential as thought leaders.

💎 Our clients receive comprehensive support and accountability every step of the way, ensuring they stay on track towards their goals.

💎 Our proven strategies are not just theory – they deliver real results. From crafting compelling talks to securing high-paying speaking engagements, our clients see tangible success.

💎 You're never alone on your journey. Our commitment to constant accessibility means that whenever you have a question or need support, we're here for you.

💎 With almost 3 decades of experience in the field of law, public speaking and mentorship, I bring a wealth of knowledge and insights to every client interaction.

💎 We understand that success isn't just about numbers – it's about fulfillment and purpose. That's why we approach mentoring with emotional intelligence, helping our clients align their goals with their deeper values.

Is the 2-day in person event included in the investment?

Your event admission is 100% covered. However, you are responsible for your hotel accommodations, travel, most meals, and ground transportation.

What specific outcomes can I expect?

We pride ourselves on being results-driven. You will complete your signature talk.

Other specific outcomes will vary depending on your starting point and goals, but you can expect to see significant progress in areas such as securing speaking engagements, increasing your fees, enhancing your visibility, and creating a thriving expertise-based speaking business.

We'll work closely with you to set personalized objectives and track your progress throughout the program.  


✨ Master the art of positioning yourself as an authority in your field. 

✨ Learn effective strategies for identifying and attracting both clients and the right speaking opportunities. 

✨ Craft persuasive pitches that highlight your value and expertise. Set pricing strategies that ensure you are paid your value. 

✨ Create compelling packages for your speaking services that resonate with your clients. 

✨ Craft your signature talk and refine your presentation skills to deliver impactful talks that intrigue, shift, and transform your audience.

Who can I speak with if I have more questions?

You can click here to schedule a call. 

© 2024 HR Legally Speaking, LLC d/b/a Speaker Moguls. All Rights Reserved.



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